Grace For All Generations
What’s Happening at Edgemont
Worship Service
Come worship with us on Sunday morning, at 11 am. We are seeking a deeper understanding of the life, ministry, and message of Jesus in the gospel of Mark.
Sunday School
Adult Sunday School is held every Lord’s Day at 10:00 am. We typically spend about an hour reading through The Quarterly (a Reformed curriculum, viewable below) and discussing its message.
Pastor James holds an impromptu Sunday School class for teens-thru-college, as necessary.
Children’s Sunday School classes are presently not necessary, but will be happily provided based upon attendance.
Nursery is available during the Sunday School hour.
Calendar of Events
This calendar of events and activities is updated regularly. However, latest changes will be announced on Edgemont’s One-Call system. Please contact the church office to register for One-Call.
Past Events
Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. Hebrews 10:24